Sunday, October 26, 2008

August 31, 2008 - October 24, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Bloggetty, Blog, Blog, Blog
Current mood: focused

I've moved! No, not me personally, although that should be coming up in the next couple of months. I've actually transferred (most) of my blog entries from myspace over to another site. As I've been cutting and pasting my entries from over the past couple of years, I couldn't help but stop and read some of them.

Some topics that stood out were, well, North Carolina. In one of the entries I wrote about how I was going to go to Raleigh for the first time to work at RBC. The original intentions were to feed Van Halen, then it evolved into feeding Def Leppard. It finally ended up that I came down here to feed Barry Manilow. Now there's a stretch.

The funny thing is that I wrote about how much I love the South, but could never envision myself living here. Here is an excerpt:

Wednesday, March 18, 2008

In other news, my trip is still on to go to North Carolina, but the artist that we're feeding has been changed once again. First, no Van Halen, and then next, Def Leppard was off the list. Who are we feeding now? None other but Mr. Barry Manilow. At the rate that they've been changing things up on me, by the time I get to North Carolina, I'll be feeding Raffi. Now wouldn't that be exciting. I am sort of excited to see Barry Manilow, though, and I'm even thinking about staying down there for an extra day or two to hang out in the South. It's been years since I've spent time in North Carolina, but I think I really like that part of the country. It seems that every time that I go down there I always meet really great people, and have a great time. Could I live in the South, though? Hard to say, but I'd have to go out on a limb and say probably not. First, it's waaaaaay too hot. Secondly, what do you do down there? Also, it seems like people move really slowly down there. Having been in NYC for ten years, that would definitely take some getting used to. Also, I know the barbecue is great down there, but one does not live on barbecue alone. Or do they???


I do believe this is what they call foreshadowing.

Currently listening :
The Evil One (plus one)
By Roky Erickson & The Aliens
Release date: 2002-04-16

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Polk Salad Annie
Current mood: dorky


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Monday, October 13, 2008

The Gnomes of Raleigh and Pokeberry Punch
Current mood: inquisitive

I finally removed myself from my self-imposed sequestering this weekend, and really had a great time painting the Raleigh red. It was nice to see some peeps and actually interact with someone other than my co-workers or my roommate's dog, Pluto. Love them all, but there really are limitations to the conversation, especially and obviously with my canine friend.

After my day of making tarts and cakes and other sweet treats at the restaurant, I made tracks to my apartment to change into something that had a little less flour on it. Since it was still daylight, I made a point of cruising by the house of garden gnomes. As I approached the bungalow, I suddenly heard what sounded like somebody taking the trash out. I got all excited at the prospect of actually seeing who lived in the house. But then, then I got nervous and stopped in my tracks. For some reason, I felt over the top conspicuous. By the time I actually reached the house it was too late, because they had already shut the door behind them. My opportunity to see the keeper of the gnomes slipped right through my fingers. Drat! Foiled again.

As it turns out, Grandmasterflam was right. The berries that I described in my last writing are pokeberries. Here's a picture, and because I know you were dying to know all about pokeberries, I've included some facts.

Poke berries Pictures, Images and Photos

Apparently, they've been used as a dye and ink for centuries. Actually, it was used to write the Declaration of Independence. It's a toxic plant, but despite that fact, people still eat the leaves in Poke Salad. Geniuses abound! Apparently you have to boil the leaves three times to remove the toxins, but that doesn't guarantee that they will be poison free. It really is a weed, but now people actually cultivate the plant because of the ornamental berries. There's actually a Poke Salad festival somewhere in Tennessee, which I actually might consider attending. Anybody else?

Currently listening :
Anthology 1968-1993
By Can
Release date: 2007-10-23

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Walking Before Midnight
Current mood: distractable

For the most part, I walk to and from work, almost on a daily basis. Almost three miles one way - fifty minutes to the kitchen and forty-five minutes to home. It's mostly downhill on the way home, in case you were wondering why the reduced time on my return trip. My journey allows for plenty of time to clear the head, and let random thoughts develop into full-blown theories. This is sometimes a good thing, and sometimes not so good.

During the day, I walk and notice all the Southern flora and fauna that I'm so unfamiliar with, and sometimes take samples into work to find out what they are. Yeah, I know. A little odd, and totally dorky, but inquiring minds have to know. Oh, and just for the record, the fauna doesn't come to work with me. I leave the squirrels and those little gecko guys in their element.

Some of the houses have these gorgeous red-stemmed plants that have broad green leaves with red veins. They also boast these really lovely and delicate berries that look almost like elderberries. If they fall to the ground, they stain the sidewalk a beautiful shade of magenta. I still have yet to find out what they are, but I'm guessing that they're not a good thing to eat, although I must admit I've been tempted to try them. Also along my path I've notice eucalyptus trees, with they're unusually shaped, firm, greenish-gray leaves. Seeing these trees automatically makes me think of Australia and koala bears, which in turn makes me think of my old roommate in Brooklyn (who was Australian), which in turn makes me think of my friend Linda, which in the end makes me think of New York. Oh, how the mind wanders.

On my walk home from the kitchen, I've experimented with taking different roads, which I've noticed in the end all end up at the same road - Whitaker Mill. The roads in Raleigh are nothing like the grid-like patterns of New York. The roads here wind about and fall upon each other. There's no rhyme or reason to them, but in the end they get you to where you need to be, which is really all that I require from them.

Some of the houses in Raleigh are really amazing. I'm especially fond of the Southern style bungalows with the front porches that look oh so inviting. There are a few in particular that I really am drawn to because they just radiate charm. I've often envisioned myself sitting on these front porches, reading a book, drinking some tea, or perhaps something stronger. If somebody happened to walk by, I'd probably say hello, and might even engage in conversation.

I recently noticed a house that has many garden gnomes in the front yard, something that I haven't seen in a long time. This particular house probably has ten of them, and they all are positioned below a low lying palm tree. The palm tree normally would look out of place among the oaks of Raleigh, but for some reason it fits in this particular yard, and especially with the gnomes standing guard. I really want to see who lives there, but it's probably not going to happen at 11:30 at night. Perhaps I'll take that road during the day sometime to investigate further.

My "front porch" in Brooklyn was on the roof of my building on Belvidere St. That was one of my favorite places in the world. When I returned home from my extended work travels, I would spend most of my time on that roof - weather permitting of course. I would watch the J train go by, beer, wine or other beverage in hand, sometimes visiting with a friend or neighbor, sometimes just enjoying the solitude amidst the hum of the city. I loved watching the sun rise on the roof, which was usually the time when my neighbor, Gordon would show up. He was a night-owl like me, and ever so entertaining. He was a percussionist, and had a wicked sense of humor. I remember he would show up, usually as I was just about to return to my apartment to be lulled to sleep by the J train. There's he'd be with a big glass of vodka and something (God, was it vitamin water?), and just full of conversation. He would pop out onto the grafitti covered rooftop and regale me with stories of his evening's adventures.

Tomorrow, another walk to work.

Currently reading :
Best Garden Plants for North Carolina
By Pam Beck

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Monday, October 06, 2008

Nineteen Days and Counting!
Current mood: angsty

Soon, to return to New York. The plan has been set forth, and on the 25th of October I'm finally going back to New York to get my stuff and officially make Raleigh my residence. I feel good about it for the most part, but honestly, I'm a little nervous about it. Even though I like Raleigh and all of the people that I've met, I still really miss New York. There isn't a day that goes by when I'm not comparing the two places, when in reality that's not even remotely possible. Comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges, or beer and wine, or perhaps vinegar and honey. This too shall pass, I hope.

Currently listening :
This Nation's Saving Grace
By The Fall
Release date: 1997-08-12

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Monday, September 29, 2008 Blogs - a matter of trust - Jim Walsh MySpace Blog

Let the truth be known.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Current mood: catalyzed

I've been thinking quite a bit about all of the cities that I've lived in over the years. This is occurring, especially now that I'm settling into a job here in Raleigh, and am actually in panic mode with regards to picking up my stuff in New York. One recurring thought is despite the fact that Minneapolis and Raleigh have about the same population, there's something about Raleigh that makes it seem a little more "small town". Granted it's been nearly fifteen years that I've lived in the Minny, but there just seems to be a difference between the two, and on many different levels; culturally, demographically, intellectually, etc. Okay, I feel the flames shooting from my North Carolinian friends' eyes, so here's the disclaimer. I'm not saying that one city is better than the other, this is all merely an observation, and one that is based on personal experience.

Because I've been thinking about this topic, I decided to do some fact checking to make sure that indeed Raleigh and Minneapolis did have similar numbers for population. This is what I came up with, and obviously this is one of the reasons why Minneapolis seems that much larger (I know. I need to get a hobby):

Raleigh, NC - Population, July 2007 - 375,806 - 48th largest city in U.S.

Minneapolis, MN - Population, July 2007 - 377,392 - 46th largest city in U.S.

In case you're wondering what the 47th largest city is, it's Colorado Springs, CO. Honolulu, HI comes right after Raleigh, and Tulsa, OK comes right before Minneapolis (which blows me away).

Anyway, the thing that clearly makes such a difference, despite the similar numbers in actual population, is the population density. Here are the stats:

Raleigh, NC - Population density per square mile - 2,409.2

Minneapolis, MN - Population density per square mile - 6,969.4

I guess we (they?) have to pack more people into each square mile just to keep warm - or something like that. To put this all into perspective, though, check this tidbit out:

New York City, NY - Population, July, 2007 - 8,274,527 - Largest city in U.S.

Los Angeles, CA - Population, July, 2007 - 3,834,340 - 2nd largest city in U.S.

Population density for NYC - 26,403.8 people per square mile

Population density for LA - 7,876.4 people per square mile

Ah, I miss New York and the oddly comforting suffocation it offers. But you know what? I miss Minneapolis quite a bit, and for that matter, I miss LA. I'm guessing if I left Raleigh, I'd miss it here as well.

Currently listening :
Life...the Best Game in Town
By Harvey Milk
Release date: 2008-06-03

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Current mood: curious

In the beginning, there was Friendster. I protested, I stomped my feet, and then I joined the ranks. It lasted all of maybe a month or two, then I went off into a world where internet didn't exist, and my thousand hour work week didn't allow for such shenanigans. I ceased and I desisted.

Then there came MySpace. Once again, I protested, I stomped my feet, and then as I did with Friendster, the ranks I did join. Here I am today. I even write a blog through the damn thing, as you obviously can see. MySpace has put me in touch with many, many people, some of whom I currently know and have been speaking to on a regular basis over the years. Some I've never met before in my life and probably never will meet - fortunately, or unfortunately, I'm not sure. Then there are the few that I had never met before, but then later on met face to face. I'm now good friends with one in particular. Then there are the people that I knew once upon a time, many, many years ago that frankly at one time I never thought I'd hear from again. Suddenly their profile appears, and we are in touch again, sometimes after an excess of fifteen years! This is the part about MySpace that amazes me the most, and the one that piques my curiosity most often.

I thought I had my hands full with this world of Myspace, and then suddenly along comes Facebook. There it sat, it's pundits seemingly being of the twenty-something, college set; a group that does not appeal to me at all. I protested, I stomped my feet, I joined. Sigh. This all happened last week merely because I was sent an invitation from somebody and couldn't view it unless I joined. I was tricked! Oh well, because once again, something good came out of this. Since last week when I first joined Facebook, I have been in touch with nearly twenty people with whom I haven't spoken to in at least fifteen years. Some of them I considered close friends at one time, and then as it often happens through life, I lost touch with them. Now I'm back in touch with them, and in some cases it just blows my mind how often our lives have crossed paths, and without even knowing it.

For instance, one person I knew from maybe fifth grade up until tenth or eleventh grade. We used to have slumber parties at each other's houses back in elementary school. We parted ways once I went to my second high-school, an alternative school in Minneapolis. I think I maybe ran into her once in my early twenties, and then nothing after that. Now I find out that she's been living in New York City for the past five or six years. Another example is a friend who I went to the alternative school with, back in the eighties. She's been living in New York for the past eight years! The examples keep on going on and on, and my head just keeps on spinning.

Is there yet another social networking site lurking out there? If so, I'm sure I'll protest, and of course I'll stomp my feet...and then I'll join.

Currently listening :
Duran Duran
By Duran Duran
Release date: 2003-08-05

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Monday, September 08, 2008

It’s On.
Current mood: determined

I've officially accepted a regular, full-time job, here in the beautiful city of Raleigh, NC. I guess that means that I live here, now. I still have to get my personal effects (re: my junk) from New York, but that should happen in the near future. I hate to say it, but to truly feel complete, I need my Cuisinart and my cookbooks - not to mention those damn CDs and records! Ugh.

Currently listening :
Wound of a Little Horse
By Witch Hats
Release date: 2006-11-20

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Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Number 11
Current mood: bored

I just took some sort of online personality test which spewed out the results as such: I'm someone with a strong work ethic that seeks stability, is more inclined to reject authority and has a propensity towards mysticism. Oh, I'm also introverted , like the unknown, am unconcerned with external opinion, and I'm an observer as well. That, and so much more.

The mysticism aspect is what caught my eye. I already guessed that the other stuff fit the bill, and I guess in the end that at times I can be propelled by a deeper sense of the universe. For instance, I've noticed that often throughout the day, I will look at a clock at the eleventh minute of the hour, and for at least a week that eleventh minute would occur at the eleventh hour. Often I look at the clock and it will be a multiple of eleven, that usually being twenty-two. The train that I took today from Greensboro ended with a dash eleven. The hotel room that I slept in was 111! What does this all mean?

Anyway, on to bigger and better things. Hmm. I worked in Greensboro this weekend at the War Memorial Auditorium, which is attached to the coliseum. The show this time around was Jordan Sparks along with Jesse McCartney. Because of some misinformation, I originally thought that Jesse McCartney was Paul McCartney's Son. Well, he's not. This time around, we only put in nineteen hours, and I didn't have to wash a single dish!

Part of my job this time was to supply all of the dressing rooms with the various deli platters and coolers filled with red bull, perrier and fresh squeezed juices. Not exactly what I set out to do when I went to culinary school, but I guess I gotta do what I gotta do. On one of my final trips back to the dressing rooms an unusual occurrence came about. Apparently Jesse left the backstage area to go back to his bus. A large group of teenage girls spotted him and immediately started running towards him, all the while screaming his name. "Jeeeeeeesssssssseeeeeee!" I was somewhat confused by all of this, but in the end I was more amused. I spotted various mothers trailing behind with little smirks on their face that said, "Ah, my teenage daughter. Isn't she ridiculous?" Yes, as a matter of fact, she is.

Not as ridiculous as the bee sting that I acquired. It was my first one in my entire life. Yes, it's true. Thirty-eight years old, and I've never been stung by a bee before. And it was completely unprovoked! The nerve.

Currently listening :
Superfuzz Bigmuff (Dlx)
By Mudhoney
Release date: 2008-05-20

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