Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kennel Cough - Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Kennel Cough

I do believe I have the human equivalent of kennel cough. You know how when you get trapped on a plane for several hours at a time, and there just happens to be some little sick person sitting in your immediate vicinity. Love it. There's no escape from that little germ spreader. Oh no. It's sort of interesting, though, because now whenever I cough around my roommate, he shoots me a look as if I just tried to kill him. He then proceeds to eat half a bottle of vitamin c tablets. Hmm. It sort of reminds me of this time that I used to work for a law firm. One of the partners - we'll call him the devil for the purposes of this story - was a complete germ-a-phobe. Every morning, in a very manic fashion, the devil would go around the office spraying lemon scented Lysol around in the air. Thank you, devil, for saving us from the germs.

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