Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Waiting - Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I had cereal for breakfast

I know, it's very exciting, the fact that I had cereal this morning for breakfast. What can I say? That's the sort of exciting lifestyle I lead these days. Just for kicks, I could clean the house, but frankly, there's nothing to clean! Perhaps I could rearrange the patio furniture? I know! I'll go to the record store! Yay!

I had a very strange dream last night. In my dream, I found out that MySpace took down all of my photos that I just posted, because they were deemed "inappropriate". Woah! What does this mean? Is it a warning??? Perhaps I should lay off the MySpace for a while??? Perhaps someone needs to stage an intervention!

7:35 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I've emptied my camera and put everything on MS
Current mood: bored

Yup, I'm truly, truly bored. I mean truly bored. I finally figured out that my mother has a SD slot on her computer, so I've uploaded a bunch of pictures onto my "site". You can find them all on the Me/Friends/Family page. There is one exception, though. On the "my photos" page, there's a picture of a really cute dog that I met in Dallas - I mean cuuuuuuute. Aaaaaaaaah. Let me know what you think.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A sudden obsession with hockey?
Current mood: bored

I'm in the middle of the desert, and I suddenly find myself thinking of hockey - a lot!!! Is it just that the Rangers and the Wild both lost the playoffs, or perhaps I just crave cold and ice! Or perhaps it's because I've been in Texas a lot! Those bastards stole my North Stars! Yes, I know it was about fifteen years ago, but...I've been thinking about hockey so much, that I've even thought about buying Rangers season tickets for 2007-2008. Perhaps that leans towards insanity, but hey, what can I say! I like hockey! The only problem with this plan is that even 200 level tickets cost almost $3000! Woah! Maybe I'll plan on the 2008 season instead.

In other news, I went to the home improvement store with my Dad to get recessed lighting fixtures. Later, I might go to the pharmacy to get some pictures developed. Oh, what an exciting life I lead. Bored!

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Monday, May 07, 2007

What did I agree to do?
Current mood: bitchy

Did I really agree to go on a six mile hike at 7:00 a.m.??? There must be something wrong with me, I tell ya. Well, if that doesn't put me under, I'm sure the ice skating with my nieces will. Actually, that will be fun, but I really do hope that I'm able to walk off the plane when I get back to New York. I only have seven more days here in Phoenix! I'm trying not to complain, but damn!!! Am I bored. Evidently there's some sort of all day band thing on Saturday that I might check out. I believe it's called Bands on Grand. Clever. Once again, I'll make my way over to beautiful Tempe for the local music craziness. That seems to be the only place where things happen, unless you have a ton of money. Then you go to Scottsdale, but that's not really my scene. Too much Gucci, don'tcha know.

In the meantime, if anybody reads this and happens to know of things to do/places to go in Phoenix/Scottsdale/Tempe, please drop me a line! Saaaaave meeeeeee!


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BRMC and Phoenix Bars

I took a moment to peruse the Phoenix New Times, which is the equivalent of the Village Voice, and came across a listing for BRMC (Black Rebel Motorcycle Club) playing at some club called The Marquee. I have one of their records, which I think is "okay", and probably would never venture out of the house to see them in NYC, but since I was in Phoenix, I said "What the hell!" Off I went to Tempe, AZ, which is about fifteen miles from where my parents live. That's the thing about Phoenix. Everything is spread so far apart, and it takes forever to get anywhere! You definitely need a car to even exist here.

So I jump in Dad's SUV and off I went to Tempe to see BRMC. I arrived just as they were going on. I sort of wanted to see the opening band, Black Angels, but so be it. I coughed up the $20.00 for the ticket, and proceeded towards the bar to order up one of the fine local beers that they offered. What was it called??? Anyway, the smoke machine was working its magic along with the dimly backlit stage. Oooh. Mysterious. The lankey, indie rocker boys made there way onto the misty stage, along with their big ol' hollow body guitars (that much better to get that Jesus and Mary Chain sound, don'tcha know). They played some songs, some of which I was familiar with, others not so much. Overall and general, though, I was really bored. I guess it doesn't really say much, considering most live bands bore me these days, but for $20.00! Honey, lend me some excitement, please. I'll pay you back later. I sensed that the set was coming to an end, so I decided to inquire with my bartender as to where a good bar might be in the Phoenix/Tempe area. He gave me directions to a place called Casey's which is in Tempe. He told me that it was a place where old timers (old punks, as it were) and college age indie rockers hang out. Okay, sounds like my kind of place. At first I thought that I might just go another night, but nah, that would be too complicated. Or would that have made things easier? I'm not sure. Hindsight is not 20/20 in this case.

I made my way down the road to Casey's, which is definitely nothing like what I would have imagined. It was one of those cabana style bars with lots of outdoor seating, and backlit palm trees. Frankly it looked more like something out of Miami Vice than a place where old punks and indie rockers hang out. But I decided that I was not in a place to judge, and went in. I sat down at the bar, Ordered my drink(s), and began talking to the woman who was sitting next to me. She was with her boyfriend, who later, after finding out that I was a chef from NYC, asked me if I knew Lindsay. Do I know Lindsay??? Of course I do! Ah, my world just keeps on getting smaller and smaller as the years go by. Later some more of their friends came over and invited us all to sit with them. As it turns out, they're all friends with Lindsay. Isn't that just the way that towns like Phoenix work, though? There's always only a couple of places that everybody goes, and they all go there, so everybody knows one another. That's the way Minneapolis was too. After throwing back a few more drinks, we all went to what seemed to be the centrally located, house of kindred spirits and good times. Whatever that means. I think at first they were all kind of wondering what the hell I was doing there. That shifted somewhat once they found out that I was friends with Miss Lindsay. Once again, it's a small world.

There of course is way more to this story than the sketchy details that I've outlined above, but I'll leave it at this. I finally made my way home around 8:00 in the morning. Oh, it's good to be so grown up.

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

TX to AZ, AZ to NY, NY to TX, TX to TN
Current mood: bored

Damn! I certainly do spend a lot of time in airports these days. That and on golf courses and in hospitals. Truly a fascinating lifestyle, I must say. I do try to fill in the gaps with an occasional visit to say, a bar, or even to my house, but that even seems to be somewhat rare. So be it. Despite all of my complaining, I still am having a good time. I've been meeting some interesting people, and I've had time to catch up with my family. Cool. The weird thing is that my attention span has completely disappeared. Is this something that is normal when travelling? I tell you, I've probably read the same four pages in the Dorothy Parker book (that I started about a month ago, thank you) about ten times. Pathetic. Maybe it's time to start on something a bit lighter. Any suggestions?

While I try to figure that out, I guess I'll just lay low in Phoenix, watch a bit of c-Span with my Dad, and dig a little deeper into my head. Perhaps I'll even do a little bit of letter writing! You know -- of the hand written variety. How shocking would that be???

Oh, I did buy some CDs today. That was pretty exciting. I went to a record store here in Phoenix called Zia's Record Exchange. What did I get??? Here it is:

Grand Funk Railroad - Best of (what can I say??? I loves me some Grand Funk!)

Granddaddy - The Software Slump (it's good - oh yeah!)

Pink Spiders - Teenage Graffiti (it's okay in spots, but weak in others - dumb and glammy! Yay! Plus it was produced by Rick O.)

Adolescents S/T - (Who stole my vinyl copy???)

Garbage - Bleed Like Me (I really like the single off of the record - "Why Do You Love Me?" - "Bad Boyfriend" is pretty good too)

Over and out!

3:44 AM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Can't go to sleep, because I'm waiting to leave my house at 3:00 a.m. to catch this damn flight to Dallas. That, and I have a massive headache. God, I love the red-eye flights. Actually, I kind of do, because it really does sort of fit into my schedule, and there's less of a chance that someone's going to be super chatty next to you. Only problem is that once I get to Dallas, I have to roll on over to the golf course to feed the people. Yes, straight off the plane. Well, not quite straight off the plane, but right after I get changed at the hotel. Must suit up to feed the golf people!

It's been a long time since I've been in Dallas. I played a show there back in 95 or 96, but was only there for twenty-four hours. Frankly, I didn't think much of it. I seem to remember the club that we played had a big Grateful Dead banner on the back wall of the stage. So fitting for a band called Black Angel's Death Song. Right. Also, as was the case in most of the South, they paired us with mostly metal bands. I think the only exception was when we played in Austin and New Orleans, two of the more enlightened towns in the South, I would say. It kind of makes you wonder if these booking agents actually listen to the recordings, doesn't it.

So, five days in Dallas, then back to NYC for two days. Then off to beautiful Phoenix! Is it 100 degrees there yet! Let's just say, for the record, I HATE hot weather. Absolutely hate it! And to think, I'm going to be in nothing but hot for the next two plus months! Woo hoo! Put me in a tent, next to an oven in a big open field, and I am not a happy person. But aren't most chefs cranky? I think the exception is the pastry chefs. Well, that's not exactly true. The problem is, with pastry chefs, they ingest too much sugar, which in turn usually makes them crazy. I speak from personal experience, actually, having been one myself. Hmm.

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