Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Purple Rain - Monday, April 9, 2007

Monday, April 09, 2007

Purple Rain

I completely planned on staying home for the third day in a row, but something happened along the way. I guess it was one of those game time decisions. Do I go to the purple and Prince themed Easter party, or do I stay home and make baba ganouj? Such big decisions I have to make, I tell you. Anyway, the baba ganouj started out winning, but when Linda said that you had to bring a purple food or beverage, I thought, hey! This baba ganouj started out purple (it's eggplant, thank you). Plus, I was wearing purple tights, so there it was. Not to mention, it was only like six blocks away from my place in Bushwick, so there really was no excuse. I went to the purple, Prince Easter party, and actually had a great time. I even have pictures that I will post relatively soon - or in six months.

Now I'm hanging around with my roommate's cats in my room. They seem to like it in here. I think its because it's the warmest room in the loft. That, and there's things to climb on. One of my roommates is a musician. When I say musician, I don't mean of the indie rock variety. He actually has a masters in music, with an emphasis on jazz performance. He goes for the avant jazz variety, which sometimes is good, but honestly, it's also sometimes a little annoying. Not always my cup of tea, but I can appreciate it for what it is. Does that make sense? Every once in a while, he has other people over to practice. Today, he has a drummer. Door is closed. Time for a nap?

My other roommate is this guy from Australia. He does something with computers. There seems to be a pretty good dynamic between the three of us. I don't spend a whole lot of time with them, which is sort of the way I like it. I did only meet them a few months ago, and it was through Craig's List, so I see no real need to intertwine our lives. At least not at this point. Don't get me wrong, they're very nice people, and we do sometimes go out, but I just think it's better this way.

On a completely different note, today's the day that my Mom goes in for her consultation with a surgeon. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about a month ago. I think that's why I write these stupid blogs. Perhaps it's a journal of sorts? A way to clear my head of the mundane thoughts of everyday life? Now there's speculation that the cancer may have spread to her liver. I'm not sure what to say about all of this, except for that it's scary. She's down in Phoenix with my Dad, my brother, and his family. Obviously, I'm up here in Brooklyn. I'll probably be down in Phoenix for the month of May, though. I think she's having her surgery at the end of this month, so I'm going there just to help out around the house and to try and keep her spirits up. They actually want me to live in Phoenix, but I just can't bring myself to do it. If anything, I'd consider LA again, which is considerably closer to Phoenix, but Phoenix is just way too much of a shift for me right now. Hell, LA is even too much of a shift.

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